
In the afternoon of August 13th, various workshops will be presented in ICSBM 2019.

Workshop W1: Modelling cement chemistry using PHREEQC
Workshop Lecturers:

Prof. M. Tyrer, Prof. A. Watson & Prof. A. West (Coventry University)
Workshop description:
This workshop introduces new users to modelling the interaction of cement hydrates with pore solutions by simulating thermodynamic equilibrium using PHREEQC. The major part of the training course is concerned specifically with cement hydrate chemistry and examines how ideal and non-ideal solid solution behaviour may be simulated. Workshop maximum capacity 40 people. Registrants are invited to bring their laptop and install the software PHREEQC used in the course beforehand.

Additional Info and material: Workshop A,
Modelling cement chemistry using PHREEQC

Workshop W2: Additive Concrete Manufacturing/3D Concrete Printing
Workshop Lecturers:
Prof. T. Salet and Prof. C. Gehlen (Eindhoven University of Technology and Technical University of Munich)
Workshop description:

This workshop introduces new users to 3D printing technologies, approaching both extrusion printing and particle bed printing. The workshop is oriented to students with no experience in 3D printing, willing to have a complete experience in this innovative technology. Workshop maximum capacity 80 people.
Additional Info and material: Workshop B

Workshop W3: From microscopic to macroscopic observations on cement systems
Workshop Lecturers:
Prof. H. Poellmann and Prof. S. van der Laan (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and Eindhoven University of Technology)

Workshop description:
This half-day workshop will address how Microscopic observations can be quantified and related to Bulk material characteristics and the requirement of consistency between various complementary analytical techniques. Workshop maximum capacity 40 people.
Additional Info and material: Workshop C